If you have a problem, complaint or just some feedback, we would like to hear from you. We are committed to offering the best possible customer service and products.
If you have a complaint, everything possible will be done to resolve the matter on your initial contact. If this is not possible, your complaint will be escalated to a Supervisor, Manager or other appropriate person for investigation and response. You will receive a response within 10 business days, provided Change Energy has all the necessary information.
Letter addressed to: Complaints Change Energy 10 Milly Ct Malaga, WA 6090
To lodge a complaint To lodge a complaint, contact Change through any of the methods mentioned above, or alternatively, fill in our online submission form below. Once received, we will email you notifying the complaint has been received.
If you’re not satisfied We’re a member of the Energy and Water Ombudsman Western Australia, which is a free and independent complaints resolution scheme. If you are dissatisfied about the resolution of your complaint, or we can’t resolve your complaint or problem within 20 working days, you can take your complaint to:
Call the Energy and Water Ombudsman on (08) 9220 7588 or 1800 754 004