How to Reduce Your Energy Usage

We’re experts in helping your business reduce energy usage and costs.


Understanding how you use electricity

Understanding what equipment is running and when can provide good insights into your usage and costs.

Identifying equipment that is running 24/7 can provide some quick wins to reduce usage.  Change Energy’s analysis of your electricity data can help identify this consumption.

Peak demand – knowing when your usage is at its peak and finding ways to reduce or shift the peak could result in significant savings.

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Easy Savings

Keep your thermostat at the right temperature – in summer between 21-25C and in winter between 18-20C.

If the temperature is less than 30C, try to use fans instead of air conditioning to cool your office.

Close blinds and shut windows on sunny days to keep the sunlight from heating up your work.

Switch off computers, printers and copiers at the end of each day.

Set your computer to sleep/standby after 20-25 minutes of inactivity.

Avoid printing documents – use electronic copies instead.

Avoid standby power – switch off small appliances like your kettle or toaster at the power point when you’re not using them.

Optimal fridge temperature is between 3C and 5C, and freezer is between -15C and -18C.  Every degree lower can use around 5% more energy.

Energy Saving Investments

When replacing equipment you should try to purchase the most energy efficient equipment you can afford.

Equipment and Appliances

New inverter type air-conditioners can use up to 40% less electricity than other air conditioners. 

New dishwashers- check if your current dishwasher was manufactured in the early 90s. If so, it’s possible it could be using twice as much water and up to 40% more electricity than today’s models.

Install window and door seals to stop the cold / hot air from escaping outside.

Install insulation wherever possible.

Open air fridges consume a lot of electricity to operate.  Investigate whether a closed-door fridge could be an option


A well-sized solar PV system can reduce usage by over 20% – maximising self-consumption and minimising low-value export.  Bigger does not necessarily mean better.

Change Energy, through our partners Solargain, has extensive experience in commercial solar.  Solargain has completed more than 10MW of installations over the last 10 years. Our experienced team will complete a detailed analysis of your solar PV requirements, including installation size and how the system will interact with existing infrastructure.

If you choose Change Energy grid supply, we can offer Feed in Tariffs for any electricity exported back to the grid.


Switch to LED lighting – in a typical office environment, lighting can account for nearly 40% of the total electricity costs.

Replacing warehouse lighting with LED lights can save over 60%.

Change Energy offers cutting-edge, tailored lighting solutions to reduce electricity consumption. Our LED range includes smart lighting featuring daylight and movement sensors to help minimise the quantity of electricity that your lighting consumes.

Hot water systems

Make sure your hot water system suits your size and usage.

Keep your water system well maintained to maximise its efficiency.

Install low-flow nozzles on showers and taps to reduce wasted water and demand on your hot water system.

Insulate hot water pipes that are exposed to the outdoors.

In Case of Faults or Emergency

In case of a life-threatening emergency, call 000 immediately.

For any electrical faults or non-life-threatening emergencies, please call Western Power’s 24-hour faults line on 13 13 51.

For safety tips on electricity usage, please read and follow the instructions on all electrical devices
carefully, and never allow water near an electrical circuit or device. 

For more information on electrical safety, please visit Western Powers website here: